@extends("layouts.dashboard.app") @section("page-title") Delivery Price @endSection @section("page-nav-title")

All Delivery Price Locations

Control and view all Delivery Price Locations

@endsection @section("content") @include("layouts.main-parts.page-message")
@foreach($locations as $location) @endforeach
#ID Location Price Support Control
{{$location->id}} {{ $location->country . (!empty($location->governorate) ? " - " . $location->governorate : null) . (!empty($location->locality) ? " - " . $location->locality : null) . (!empty($location->sub_locality) ? " - " . $location->sub_locality : null) . (!empty($location->neighborhood) ? " - " . $location->neighborhood : null) }} {{$location->price >=0 ? $location->price . " JOD" : null}} {{$location->supported == 1 ? "Yes" : "No"}} id)}}" class="control-link edit">
id)}}" method="post" id="delete{{$location->id}}" style="display: none" data-swal-title="Delete Location" data-swal-text="Are Your Sure To Delete This Location ?" data-yes="Yes" data-no="No" data-success-msg="the location has been deleted succssfully">@csrf @method("delete")
@endsection @section("scripts") @endsection